Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Six Megathemes on the contemporary church

Barna Research has published a study on six megathemes that have developed or are developing in the American church.

Here is the list:

1. The Christian Church is becoming less theologically literate.
2. Christians are becoming more ingrown and less outreach-oriented.
3. Growing numbers of people are less interested in spiritual principles and more desirous of learning pragmatic solutions for life.
4. Among Christians, interest in participating in community action is escalating.
5. The postmodern insistence on tolerance is winning over the Christian Church.
6. The influence of Christianity on culture and individual lives is largely invisible.

According to this study, many 'Christians' don't know the Bible; don't care about the Great Commission; want things that make this life work; want to serve, but don't serve Jesus; can't see any difference between different faiths; and show no evidence of the Holy Spirit bearing fruit in their lives.

Are these Christians? Is this the church?

Here is the link:
Six Megathemes Emerge from Barna Group Research in 2010