Saturday, December 11, 2010

The search for immortality

Satan's lies to Eve:

1. Yea, hath God said - He caused her to question the Word of God.
2. Ye shall not surely die - He blatantly contradicted the Word of God basically calling God a liar.
3. There are no consequences for disobedience to God - He said she would not die.
4. Ye shall be as gods - He told her she could be like a god.

Satan continues to tell these same lies and people are swallowing them hook, line and sinker!

Marvin Minsky is the co-founder of the Artificial Intelligence lab at MIT. At 80 years of age, he is working to download a human mind so that it can be uploaded into a new body and thereby achieve immortality. He says this ability should be reserved for the scientists and that normal people should be content with a normal lifespan.

"Scientists shouldn't have ethical responsibility for their inventions, they should be able to do what they want. You shouldn't ask them to have the same values as other people," says Minsky.

You can read the article here: How to Become Immortal: Upload your Mind

Think of the arrogance and indifference to the Word of God in his statement. He is saying that scientists have more value than others. He is also saying that there is no right and wrong when it comes to science. Sounds like the same old lies all over again!

Beware - this new technology called transhumanism is working toward expediting the evolution of humanity through technological manipulation of DNA and the combination of computers and biological processes. As we see from Minsky's comments, the desire is to achieve immortality. Sounds like Minsky wants to be like a god.