Our Mayor has declared June 18-20 'lady in blue weekend'. How do we have discernment concerning something like this? We go to the Word of God. Supposedly a Catholic nun involved in occult practices is to be honored. As a part of the weekend Native American spiritism in the form of a powwow involving a Coushatta dancer will take place. There will also be a Roman Catholic mass. This is a typical blending of Roman Catholicism and heathen religious practice.
So we have the false gospel of Roman Catholicism, spiritism and occult practices all mixed together. Not the kind of thing a follower of Jesus wants to be involved in!
It is interesting that my Bible reading this morning was from Deuteronomy 18. I blogged on it at The abominations of those nations. The Bible tells us:
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whither they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1