Monday, November 15, 2010

How far would you walk to gather with God's people?

Young William Bradford who would become the leader for the Pilgrims that traveled to this country on the Mayflower in 1620 was faced with a dilemma. He was born and raised in the Anglican church, but because a friend gave him a Bible to read he became aware that the church had departed from the teachings of Scripture. He heard that Mr. Clyfton read from the Bible and preached mightily from it. Will Bradford would walk 20 miles on the Lord's day to hear Mr. Clyfton preach and be a part of the Separatist's church.

He was warned that some had been hanged for leaving the Anglican church to join the Separatists but he replied:

"To keep a good conscience and walk in such a way as God had prescribed in his Word, is a thing which I must prefer before you all, and above life itself. Wherefore, since it is for a good cause that I am likely to suffer the disasters which you lay before me, you have no cause to be either angry with me, or sorry for me. Yea, I am not only willing to part with everything that is dear to me in this world for this cause but I am thankful that God hath given me heart so to do; and will accept me so to suffer for him."

How far would you walk to gather with God's people? What would you give up to be associated with the true church?

Right now in Iran, the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has issued a warning to the people in regards to the house church movement that, he says, "threaten[s] the Islamic faith and deceives young Muslims". You can read the article here.

What does it cost you to follow Jesus in America right now? Not much, but the day could come very quickly when it will be illegal to gather in the name of Jesus. Would you walk 20 miles to hear the Bible preached? Would you risk your possessions, relationships and life to be a part of the church?

Many have made these decisions in the past and many make them right now today.