Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The 'church' that is not really the Church

I read an article by Pat Regan this morning that really made me think.

JESUS - Blind Faith and the Danger Of the Fundamentalist Mindset

By the way, if you actually click on the link above you will find that it is published in the UFO Digest. This article makes me think of two things.

1. The UFO idea offers an alternative. Instead of having faith in God's Word about the origin of life, you can have faith in an alien race that manipulated DNA and engineered humanity on earth. With this belief system comes supposed answers to many questions for skeptics. Men like Erich Von Daniken and Zechariah Sitchin (who passed away a few weeks ago) have presented a theory for the ancient monoliths, massive structures and paintings on earth that are clearly very old. They say that aliens once ruled this planet and engineered humans as a slave race. Their theories have literally spawned a religious following that is world-wide.

2. The syncretistic practices of Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy have come full circle. many people have realized that the Roman Catholic 'church' has simply borrowed ancient pagan practices and incorporated them into their system. For example the pagan spring equinox festival was and is celebrated all over the world. The Roman church created Easter to coincide with this. Christmas is also deeply rooted in paganism. It occurs just after the winter solstice and most of the traditions associated with it can be found in pagan rituals. Jesus was not born on December 25!

When unbelievers look at the 'church' that is not the Church they see these inconsistencies. Please show me in the Bible where we are instructed what day to celebrate Easter on? Please show me Jesus' instructions on how to celebrated his birth?

The world needs to see genuine disciples of Christ who are filled with the Spirit and are abiding in His Word. It does not believe religion. It needs the truth of the Bible and to see the love of genuine Christians.

John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Are you a part of the 'church' that is not the Church? Get back to the Word of God and see what the true church really is!